Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Trade, Commerce and Business

Trade, Commerce and Business


The activity of buying and selling is called trade. Trade occurred when the people started to exchange their excess production (beginning of barter system. this was just a start and it developed as domestic trade and international trade.

Functions of trade
Buying; obtaining the ownership of the product by making a payment
Selling; giving up the ownership of the product by obtaining the value of the product


In order to trade effectively, various help from supportive services are required. These supportive services are called Auxiliary services. Auxiliary services are the services providing aids to undertake trading activities effectively. The following services are considered as the main types of auxiliary services
  • ·         Money and Banking
  • ·         Transportation
  • ·         Warehousing
  • ·         Communication
  • ·         Insurance
  • ·         Consultancy services

When auxiliary services are combined with trade, the combination is called commerce. (Doing trade effectively with the auxiliary services is called commerce.) Therefore commerce is wider than trade.


Business is any activity that satisfies human needs and wants. In other words, business is a set of functions that are undertaken in order to satisfy human needs and wants.
 Therefore, business includes the following parts
·         Industries
·         Auxiliary services

Evolution of Business

Evolution of Business

People in the ancient society fulfilled their needs and wants using direct production method. This system was called self-fulfillment of needs. That is, one produces goods and services to satisfy his/her own needs and wants, not to satisfy others. When the people in ancient society kept on producing products for self fulfillment, they got specialized in that production. Specialization led to excess production. Excess production means producing more than what is required for the self fulfillment of needs. For example, to satisfy your daily food requirement only 1kg of rice is sufficient. But if you produce 3kg, the additional 2kg can be called as excess production (Indirect production) which can sell externally.

The ability of producing more than the requirement made people to start exchanging the excess production. This created bartering system.

Barter system
Barter system is a method of exchange by which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money.
For example, a farmer exchanges rice for meat with a butcher.

Disadvantages of Barter System/Limitations of Barter System

• Lack of double coincidence of wants:
Barter exchange is possible when there is double coincidence of wants. When goods have to be directly exchanged for goods, it is essential that both the parties should be ready to exchange each other property.
For instance, if X possessed rice, and wanted to exchange it for wheat, hence he had to find a person who not only possessed wheat, but also is ready to exchange it for rice. It was difficult to find such persons who required what you wanted to sell and he has what you want to buy. Thus, it was time consuming and inconvenient.

• Lack of common measures of value:
Under this system, the values of goods were measured in relative terms. It lacked any common measure of value of unit of account. There was no common measuring rod in terms of which values of all commodities could be expressed conveniently.

For example, when wheat was exchanged for potato, the person should decide in what proportion the wheat and the potato should be exchanged. The ratio was arbitrary depending upon the relative need and urgency of two parties. In this, the person badly in need of exchange suffered and did not get the full value of the commodity he possessed.

• Lack of subdivision of commodities:
Sometimes it was very difficult to subdivide the commodity and then exchange. All goods could not be divided into fraction.
For example, if a person wants to sell a hen for some quantity of wheat, it was difficult to sell a part of a hen for wheat. Smooth exchange of goods was impossible for wants of means of sub-dividing goods according to people's requirements.

• Lack of store value:
In barter system, it was difficult to store and accumulate wealth. Only non-perishable goods like cows, sheep etc. could be stored. It was very difficult to store both the types of goods for a long period. So, the value of product was also lost.

• Lack of standard of deferred payments:
Credit transactions were not easily carried out in the barter system. So it was difficult to undertake any contract which involves future payment.

• Problem of transporting
In bartering system, the price paid to buy a product was another product which the buyer has. This made a problem for buyers to carry a huge amount of goods to sellers’ place, as the medium of exchange was the buyer’s product. For example, to buy a pound of jewelry the farmer would have to carry many packs of vegetables to the jewel house.

• Lack of specialization:
Under this system, specialization is limited, due to limited exchange system and market.
Above mentioned limitations of bartering system led the people to think about a common medium of exchange. Therefore, money was invented. Hence, people started to use money as the common medium of exchange.

“Money is anything which acts as a common medium of exchange and is accepted by everyone’
Traditionally coral, metal pieces, tree leaves were being used as money. Nowadays notes, coins, other money substitutes like bank money and electronic money (debit cards, credit cards, e-wallets) are used as money.

Evolution of money
1. Commodity money - sea shells, tobacco, pearl
2. Metallic money - gold, silver, copper
3. Perfect money – gold coins
4. Currency and bank money – coins notes and cheques
5. E- money - debit cards, credit cards, e-wallets

Features of good money
1. Scarcity
2. Acceptability
3. Portability
4. Durability
5. Divisibility

Industrial revolution

Industrial revolution refers to the rapid developments that took place in technology and industry during 18th and 19th centuries. The term refers to these changes as well as the period.
Industrial revolution led to many deep rooted changes in the way people lived and worked. Mass-production techniques made possible by the technological development required setting up of large factories with large work force. Also it created new jobs with much greater degree of division of labor that reduced the skill requirements of jobs that were monotonous.

Development in information technology

The development and improvement in information technology allowed the society to involve in the business activities by electronic means. The development in information technology has made the world as “global village”.
Examples for information technology development – E commerce, internet business

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Introduction to Management

This video will show you the importance of management and its dark side

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Importance of Business studies as a subject :

Business activity affects the daily lives of all human as they work, spend, save, invest, travel, and play. It influences jobs, incomes, and opportunities for personal enterprise. Business has a significant effect on the standard of living and quality of life of human, and on the environment in which they live and which future generations will inherit.

Eventually, all students will encounter the world of business, whether they work in urban or rural areas.They must be prepared to engage in business activity with confidence and competence.Young people need to understand how business functions, the role it plays in our society, the opportunities it generates, the skills it requires, and the impact it can have on their own lives and on society, today and in the future.

This subject will build a strong foundation for those who wish to move on to further study and training in specialized areas such as management, international business, marketing, accounting, information and communication technology, or entrepreneurship. It will also provide practical skills for those who wish to move directly into the workplace. Engaging in the world of business involves studying individuals, communities, and organizations, assessing their needs and problems, and generating solutions. 

Business studies provides students with a new, practical context for many of the subjects they studied at the elementary level, including mathematics, science and technology, language, and social studies. It helps students to recognize the relevance of these subjects as they are applied in the world of business – for example, in the study of individuals and diverse communities; in helping people with their needs, challenges, and problems; and in creating products and  services that help to improve the quality of life.

Business studies clearly demonstrates how a variety of areas of study can be combined in productive activity that affects the lives of millions of people. Courses in this discipline provide knowledge and skills that can help students make a successful transition to secondary education, training programs, and the workplace.